Monday, September 13, 2010

The Solar Living Institute's 14th Annual SolFest

September 13, 2010

Hi All,
  Here is a great event you might want attend. It is The Solar Living Institute's 14th SolFest. It will be held September 25 & 26 in Ukiah, California. The keynote speakers are Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Arianna Huffington.  You can find out more about the event at
Kevin Ryerson

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

What is channeling

  I get asked what is channeling on a regular basis. Here is my answer.  I hope you
find the information informative.
Kevin Ryerson

  Channeling is a process by which a person, who is often referred to as an intuitive or channel, sets aside one level of their consciousness, often their own personality, so  as to allow the accessing of information from other levels of consciousness.   The  level is referred to as the "collective unconscious" or the "subconscious mind," and the process is referred to as "accessing spirit."  This allows people to ask a broad range of questions in subject areas that are relevant to themselves as individuals, and or areas of inquiry in which they may hold expertise.
  The concept of channeling itself meant to "cut through" or to work directly with the process known as intuition.  Intuition itself is an excellent definition for what channeling is, because it means "the phenomena of direct knowing; a form of knowing that bypasses the normal rational or critical process and goes directly to a source that is intuitive and or psychic in nature.  There are many different forms of expressions of channeling, such as:

Healing Energy: This is the oldest form of channeling, used in acupuncture (whether it is the manipulation of energy meridians in the body to help promote healing or what we have come to be familiar with called the "laying on of hands"), acupressure, and Shiatsu.  This type of channeling is generally the channeling of healing energy to help a person gain essential health and well-being as well as healing their emotions.

Ancestral Intelligence: The channeling of ancestral intelligence is based on the idea that we have spiritual ancestors, whom we perhaps have known is past lives.  The belief is that we can draw on the heroic values and qualities of these particular personalities, and by communicating with them, heal and strengthen our own character.

Precognition:  This form of channeling is often associated with knowing the future.  Predicting the future is actually akin to analyzing a person's character, so they can see what events are more or less unfolding from the qualities of their character as a person.  Therefore, prognostic readings basically map out events that are likely to occur, so that a person can be better prepared to cope with them, or change course.

Information Resource: This is the form and style of channeling that my own work constitutes.  It brings information through a "channel" such as Edgar Cayce or myself that helps the client make a better choices in the actual creation of events in their lives.  By having a larger, informed perspective, they can develop insights into their own character, experiences of this lifetime and other lifetimes, their talents and inspirations, and how they are contributing consciously to creating the events in their lives.
  This  contemporary form of channeling is unique in that it helps us to exercise both our free will and our growth consciously, rather than believing that we wait passively for events to occur and than act on them This actually allows us  to create a personal sense of destiny.Click to enter a detailed answer to the question above. You can add as much text as you like, but we recommend keeping your explanation concise: Visitors to this page will want to find the answers they need quickly! You might consider including images if they help illustrate the information you're providing.

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